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Pain Management 

Hypnosis for pain relief including symptoms of fibromyalgia,
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome,
eczema and autoimmune responses

The image shows a young girl sitting on the side of a bed with her head in her knees apparently in pain or upset.

How does hypnotherapy help with pain relief?

Hypnosis isn't about convincing you that you don't feel pain; it's about helping you manage the fear and anxiety you feel related to that pain and its symptoms that impact on your life.  Its about putting you in control.  I have, and take the time to  listen, to "join up the dots",   to signpost and support where I see appropriate.  I have access to the expertise of my co therapists at The Body Clinic (with permission).  Allergy testing, physical health and blood tests  can be undertaken by Joanna Bruce, RGN.  Many clients find this service informative and helpful.


Clients have found hypnosis sessions with me effective for help and relief from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Elhers Danlos Syndrome and autoimmune  diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus (Lupus), Lichen Planus, Inflammatory bowel (IBS), Multiple sclerosis (MS), Eczema and Psoriasis. Studies show that more than 75% of people with these conditions and related diseases experience significant pain relief using hypnosis.  I'm able to signpost to help resources from my breadth of experience and interest in this field.


Hypnosis is also effective in childbirth. Hypnobirthing as it is commonly known, is to assist in giving birth in a relaxing, calm environment free from stress, anxiety or fear.  Being anxious, tense and stressed during labour (all very common feelings at this time) can prevent the birthing muscles of your body from working as you would want.  You will learn techniques which will give you calm, pain relief, a sense of control and tranquillity to last you into parenthood and for the rest of your life. 



The image shows a lady in a pink t shirt and pink hair.  She is pregnant and sitting on a chair. Her tummy is being cradled by another  lady in a grey t shirt - her body suggests she could be a supporting partner, friend, a or midwife.
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