When the unconscious makes a protective program for you, such as anxiety, it will desperately hold on to that program, because it thinks it has kept you alive all this time as a result of running it - so removal of it is not an option – unless you convince it otherwise. The unconscious is often portrayed as being stubborn but it doesn’t have that quality, just a calculation of what is best for you. Once it has designed a program it doesn’t have the thought process to design a better one. This is where NLP and hypnotherapy will allow a negative program to be uninstalled and new positive programs to replace.
This can be done with lots of problems such as smoking cessation (protective programme is "I will get fat if I give up smoking and I will be grumpy therefore better not to try"
Lack of confidence to try something new "what if you fail or look silly"
Weight loss "what if you feel hungry or attract attention to yourself - look what happened last time!."
The list goes on and its personal to a client. You either, were born with these programs, installed them through repetition, others imposed them on you, or the unconscious made one for you in an emergency situation (resulting in a phobia, anxiety, depression etc.).
If you would benefit from reprogramming your subconscious please get in touch. Therapy can be face to face or on line. (North Herefordshire)
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