Having watched the Netflix Beckham documentary I was reminded of this ace photo. My daughter Clementine and I were kindly invited to an afternoon children's pre-party for the Beckham's Fulll Length and Fabulous party in 2005. The guests were children from all over the country who had been helped by The David and Victoria Beckham Children's Charity to purchase specialist disability equipment and therapy. The children's party was coordinated by Victoria's Mum, Jackie who became a big fan of our Clem and her progress. The charity gave a generous donation for some specialist treatment for my daughter at a centre Brainwave in Somerset.
Anyway ....back to the party ! We had a great time! Clem was caught on camera by Hello Magazine here dribbling on David Beckham's cashmere (she wasnt alone in the dribbling over DB!). There was nothing but good vibes in this room and happy times and memories were made. After watching the documentary I realised what resilience and determination this couple have shown through their life together. I hadnt realised life was so tough at the time for them. Its easy to think that everything is rosy in other people's lives. If you saw the documentay you will know what I mean.

A very lovely kind family.
Resilience, family and love and total respect.